🌟Getting Started

To Getting Started with Pentest Copilot here are the steps to follow:

  1. Accessing Pentest Copilot: Visit https://copilot.bugbase.ai/login and log in with your BugBase account or sign in with google OAuth.

    1. Want to register on BugBase? Follow the link and create your account now: https://bugbase.in/register (Note: Create the account using the email your provided us for the waitlist, if applicable)

  2. Navigating the Dashboard: Once logged in, you'll find a user-friendly dashboard. Here, you can access various features of Pentest Copilot.

  3. Start New Session: We work on a session based model, to start using the feature of pentest copilot simply start by clicking on "Start New Session" button and fill in the required details. You can run multiple such sessions in parallel.

  4. Describe your Penetration Testing Task: Give our tool some basic details about the scope of testing, and exact task requirement. Example prompt: Target IP:, Task: Find privilege escalation on the provided target information. Hit 'Submit Pentest'

  5. Now Pentest Copilot will start giving you the required details of the steps it is execute for you.

Last updated