Exploit Graph

The Exploit Graph is a dynamic visualization that maps out the relationships between discovered entities and potential attack paths. It provides a clear view of how vulnerabilities can be exploited across your network, helping you understand the full scope of your security posture.

Understanding the Exploit Graph

  • Entities: Represent the various assets discovered during assessments, such as domains, URLs, and subnets.

  • Relations: Illustrate the connections and interactions between entities, showing how an attacker might move through the network.

  • Attack Paths: Highlight potential routes an attacker could take to exploit vulnerabilities and reach critical assets.

Using the Exploit Graph

  • Identifying Weaknesses: The Exploit Graph helps you pinpoint weak points in your network by showing how vulnerabilities are interconnected.

  • Prioritizing Remediation: Use the graph to prioritize which vulnerabilities to address first, based on their position and connections within the attack paths.

  • Enhancing Defenses: Visualize how strengthening certain defenses can break attack paths and reduce the overall risk.

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