Attack Surface Dashboard

The Attack Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your organization's effectiveness against various assessments. It includes metrics and visualizations that help you understand your security posture and areas for improvement.

Organizational Effectiveness

The Attack Dashboard displays various metrics that reflect your organization's ability to withstand different types of attacks. Key metrics include:

  • Assessment Success Rate: The percentage of successful assessments, indicating how often vulnerabilities are identified and addressed.

  • Vulnerability Severity: A breakdown of vulnerabilities by severity (e.g., critical, high, medium, low), helping prioritize remediation efforts.

Utilizing Metrics for Improvement

Using the insights from the effectiveness metrics, you can:

  • Prioritize Vulnerabilities: Focus on addressing the most critical vulnerabilities first to reduce overall risk.

  • Enhance Response Strategies: Identify areas where response times can be improved and implement strategies to streamline the process.

  • Allocate Resources Effectively: Direct resources towards the most vulnerable areas of your network to maximize the impact of your security efforts.

Attack Surface Management (ASM)

The ASM feature in Pentest Copilot Enterprise allows you to:

  • Discover Assets: Automatically identify and catalog all external-facing assets, such as domains, IP addresses, and web applications.

  • Classify and Prioritize: Categorize assets based on their importance and exposure to threats.

  • Monitor Continuously: Keep track of changes to your attack surface in real-time and receive alerts for newly discovered vulnerabilities.

  • Mitigate Risks: Implement security measures to protect your most critical assets and reduce the overall attack surface.

MITRE ATT&CK Framework

The MITRE ATT&CK Framework is a globally recognized knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. It is integrated into Pentest Copilot Enterprise to guide red teaming activities and provide a structured approach to identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities.

The MITRE ATT&CK Framework is utilized in the following ways:

  • Tactics and Techniques Mapping: Each assessment maps identified vulnerabilities to specific tactics and techniques from the framework, providing a clear understanding of potential attack vectors.

  • Simulation Scenarios: Red teaming activities simulate real-world attack scenarios using techniques outlined in the framework, ensuring comprehensive coverage of possible threats.

  • Reporting and Analysis: Assessment reports include references to the MITRE ATT&CK techniques used, helping you understand the context and impact of each finding.

Example Scenarios

  • Initial Access Techniques: Assessments may simulate phishing attacks or exploit public-facing applications to gain initial access, mapped to the Initial Access tactic in the framework.

  • Lateral Movement: The platform can simulate an attacker moving laterally within your network using techniques from the Lateral Movement tactic, such as remote services exploitation.

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