
Modules are the building blocks of Pentest Copilot Enterprise's assessment capabilities. Each module focuses on a specific type of assessment, allowing for a targeted approach to identifying vulnerabilities.

External Assessments

  • Definition and Scope: External assessments target assets that are accessible from the internet, such as public websites and services.

Internal Assessments

  • Definition and Scope: Internal assessments focus on assets within your internal network, identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker with internal access. We deploy a custom agent which enables extensive discovery in an organization's internal network.

Phishing Assessments

  • Definition and Scope: Phishing assessments simulate phishing attacks to evaluate the effectiveness of your organization's email security and employee awareness. We use our curated phishing simulation solution with custom email templates to conduct realistic phishing campaigns.

Each module contains multiple submodules for different types of assessments, exploits and discovery.

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