🚀User Guide

Welcome to the beta access of BugBase Pentest Copilot - Your ultimate ethical hacking assistant, copilot utilizes context to give directed results. From analysing web apps to root shells, it’s got you

As one of our early users, you are at the forefront of this exciting journey. This document will guide you through the basics of using Pentest Copilot and how you can provide valuable feedback to help us improve.

Features You Will Love 💙

Experience the Future of Ethical Hacking

  • Updated Tools: Pentest Copilot is equipped with the latest 2023 ExploitDB lookups and utilises the MITRE framework. You'll always have the most potent knowledge at your disposal.

  • No More Rabbit Holes: Thanks to intelligent contextual analysis, Pentest Copilot helps you avoid wasted time by steering clear of unnecessary rabbit holes. You'll stay focused and achieve more.

  • Intuitive Thinking: Pentest Copilot eliminates redundant research and the need to constantly refer to the internet and documentation. You'll save valuable time and focus on what matters most.

  • Payload Generation: Say goodbye to manual payload generation. Pentest Copilot automatically generates staged and unstaged payloads, enabling you to execute with ease and catch more shells.

  • Formatted Command Generation: No more struggling with complex command syntax. Pentest Copilot automatically generates formatted commands, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in execution.

Last updated